Sign-up :
Creative Brief

Thank you for signing up to the One49 experience. We are already really looking forward to providing an amazing solution for your business. We hope you are too.

Please complete this form to the best of your ability, within your tolerance limits. We understand these things can be a tedious task, but completing it will give us the best chance of a speedy response and the best solution for your brand.

If you struggle with any of the questions, please feel free to use the final question to air any concerns about any of the questions. Not all are compulsory, just useful to us and as they say, a stitch in time spent now can save nine later.

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Please make clear the name of the business as this will be the name thath will provide the focus of the logo that will be created.
This can be a broad sector one-word answer like 'Finance' or 'Marketing' for example.
Please complete the following fields to the best of your ability. The more deatiled you can be in your answers, the better chance we will have to provode a solution straight out of the box. For example, if your industry is Marketing, this section could be 'Social media Management and Automation'
Imagine you are pitching your business to a new client or someone you meet at a party who says "What do you do?" Avoid industry jargon, rather explain the [roblem your service or product solves for your potential client. for example "providing a service that saves time/money/worry etc. Remember the closer you get to helping people understand, you need to answer "What's in it for me?" Often it helps if you imagine the person you are talking to losijg ineterst and wantd to ennd the conversation. As you collect yourself, the inner you will trigger, and you have 10 seconds as he walks you out the door, THERE WII BE, a short amount of time that you will want to leave that person with the key beneifts. That's an "elevator pitch!". This answer is about the last opportunity you get to leave a message that may pique their interest.
This can be more technical an answer, not a sales pitch, but a definitive description of your proposition, and can cover all features. This is more likely to be a decsription of your business you use internaly to explain what you do.
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Please indicate here, how influential our brand was in you choosing us, as opposed to the service or its price
No limitations. please feel free to explain any detail you wish to help us understand your expectations, to include any particular strengsth your business has to build upon, and any problems you needs to solve.